August Weather

August Weather

By August the summer heat begins to moderate slightly, but humidities are higher than in July. This makes many residents feel that it is much hotter than it really is. Actually, the average high temperature is 103.7 or 2.2 degrees lower than in July.
August still averages 23 days with temperatures of 100 or higher and 2 days of 110 or higher. It has had as many as 31 days of 100 or higher in 1973 and 1975 and in several earlier years. There were as few as 9 such days in 1955. In 1995, there were 10 consecutive days of 110 or higher.

Rainfall in August averages 0.96 inches, the second highest of any month of the year. The most rain ever recorded in August was 5.33 in 1951 and the least was a trace in 1973 and 1975. July is the only other month that always has had some rain.

Thunderstorms and “dusters” are most frequent in August with an average of 7 thunderstorm days, and thunderstorms clouds are usually visible on 24 days of the month.

Sunshine averages 85 percent during the month, but there are usually 4 cloudy days. In 1957 there were 10 cloudy days, and in 1953 and several other years there were none.